July 13, 2010

What an honor!!

I'm a little late at posting, but I was featured on Life in the Fun Lane for the Fresh Coat Friday last Friday.... I"m so honored!!! I read this blog everyday, sometimes twice. She has such good ideas. Thanks to Life in the Fun Lane!

I was also featured on Better After, a great, inspiring blog of before and afters! A must read! Thanks to Better After for the feature.

July 8, 2010

I can't wait to wake up and check this out tomorrow!

Life in the Fun Lane has such good ideas and now has a new sharing day on Fridays. Check it out!

I heart this!

From flea market ugly, to flea market chic

This piece was kinda ugly in the beginning, but now it's pretty stunning. I'm kinda in love with it to be honest. It turned out so good. It's in the shop and waiting for you to snatch it up and make it yours.

P.S. Sorry for the not so good before pictures, it was a last minute thought.The top and the bottom came together, but in the hauling process ended up in 2 different spots. Sorry you can't get the full effect of the before.