November 4, 2009

If we don't have it in the building, you don't need it!

Our joke is that if you think it, it's probably at the building. And very true. I'm pretty sure that everything you can image is in there somewhere.

This is the fun we have been having. If you would like to join the fun, please let me

So, here is the promised pictures of the building exterior.

All photos taken by Tara P.

October 22, 2009

Excuses, excuses, excuses

Dear blog readers, please excuse Sonia from blogging as she has been busy carrying wood, sorting boxes and talking, thinking and scheming for her new shop. Please also excuse her for not posting pictures of the building, she forgot her camera at home.

This is also proof for those who don't believe I work.
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October 14, 2009

Faux stone wall

So here is the beginning of the picture progress. The picture above is of faux finish that we did on the wall that will later become the "greenhouse" room. It was created using joint compound (drywall mud), oil and acrylic paint mixed in. Each batch was mixed by hand, so no stone is alike. You'll have to stop by the shop when we get open so you can get the full effect.

Also, I have listed a couple things in my Etsy shop. In the days to come, I'll be listing new things as fast as I can. So check back often.

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October 13, 2009

What in the world.....

Good news! I found my camera battery charger! (ok, well really Scott found it...details, details) I know, exciting right!? I can finally take pictures of the building and the progress as we go along. I'll hopefully be able to get some good shots of all the stuff we have been doing. Those will be coming within the week, until then hold tight. :)

Sonnie Sue
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October 2, 2009

Time for Tea?

Photo Taken by: Tara P.
Oops, so I've been busy, and haven't had time for blogging, or tea for that matter. There is some exciting things in the works. My mom and I are going to be opening a brick and mortar shop soon, and we have been working on ideas. We are sorting, scheming and organizing everything to get ready. We don't have a definite date yet, but within the next few months is our set goal. I will post pictures as soon as I find my camera charger. (Has anyone seen it by the way?) It's hard to take pictures with a dead camera. Hope everyone is enjoying the nice fall weather, and staying warm. Ohio has changed from summer to late fall within the week. I don't think that I'm ready for it, but it's here.

Sonnie Sue
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September 13, 2009

The Apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

This summer has had a reoccurring theme, GARDENING. I decided this summer I was going to do my gardening with my grandpa. He has taught me just about everything he knows. We canned beans, tomatoes, pickles and even went to the orchard and picked apples (which became apple butter.) I'm pretty sure that I could survive like the Amish...well besides the no electricity or indoor plumbing thing. Everyone has their limits. Gardening is hard work, and like my grandpa tell me all the time,"You're allergic to work!" Hard, but fun!
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September 12, 2009

Goat Adventures.

So, today was an adventure, to say the least. My husband's uncle has a "farm" of exotic and not so exotic animals. He has an old gutted yellow school bus that we load full of his animal managerie, and go to festivals. It's really quite fun. The kids just love it. We took 6 goats, a llama, 3 birds, a bunnie, a hedgehog, hissing cockroaches, a snake, a trantula, a scorpian, a rooster, and all types of animal artifacts. The fun part is loading up the animals....leashing the goats and llama and walking them right up the front steps, it's hilarious. My mom thinks that I should add "Llama loader" to my resume. I just might!

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September 6, 2009

And so it begins

after being on the go all summer,

I have decided it's time to get to work and stop talking about starting a blog, and actually do it!

While wondering the book store, browsing and touching everything, My mom snatched up Tara Frey's New Book : Blogging for Bliss A must have for the blog-ginner (ok i made that word up, but it's a combination of blog+beginner=blogginer.) So this is my first of many post that i will be updating regularly to keep myself busy and entertained. I hope you enjoy my new world as much as I do.

Sonnie Sue

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